How It Works

At Schons, we inspire you with our high-quality products that are created with inspiration. Every single design is created after conducting a proper inspection on the sites. Our services are carried out efficiently with the help of the experts. They usually follow the following steps to ensure an optimised result.

Consultation - if you are interested in our services you can contact us any time for consultation. The experts will offer you a detailed explanation of the quality of our products and how the entire process is done.

Inspection - After the consultation, the engineers and designers will visit your home or office site to inspect the space. Depending upon structure and surroundings our designers will suggest you certain ideas for your Windows and doors. They will also focus on explaining the works we have done so far, for a clear understanding along with our product details. Our designers have a solution for all shapes or sizes of opening to provide an aesthetic feel to the room. Our suggestions include a wide range of sizes, colour combinations, materials and thickness.

Approval - After the inspection, our designers will provide you with a detailed image of the design that will be implemented in your home. The designs will be discussed with you and once approved we will start the manufacturing process for your ready-made or customised design.

Production - The designs are manufactured and fixed on the location by our men. From carrying to formation every single work will be completed with perfection. We offer timely delivery on all of our products and they are perfect with unique designs.

The services offered by us are unique and you can consult us anytime regarding the issues if any.